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FAST LTA GmbH of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 8 - Booth Number 8-414


FAST LTA is a specialist for secure secondary and long-term storage systems.

About us






We offer

  • Hardware security
  • Storage solutions
  • Backup solutions
  • Business continuity
  • Archiving / Long-term storage
  • Data protection, data security


  • Industrial IT security
Rüdesheimer Straße 11
80686 München

About us

FAST LTA is a specialist for secure secondary and long-term storage systems. The combination of long-lasting and low-maintenance hardware, integrated software for data protection and on-site maintenance contracts for up to 10 years ensure cost-effective long-term storage of data from archiving and backup applications. Proprietary developments such as local Erasure Coding, hardware WORM sealing, and efficient power management help midsize enterprises protect themselves against data loss due to ransomware attacks and misconfiguration as well as complying with regulatory and legal requirements (GDPR). The solutions of the Munich-based provider have been proven in thousands of installations in healthcare, public administration, film/TV/video, and industry.
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