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ExeonTrace - Future-proof Network Detection & Response

Product Expert





Network security

Key Facts

  • Network Detection & Response based on network metadata
  • Algorithms also analyse encrypted data
  • Complete visibility over all IT activities

Product Description

The ExeonTrace Network Detection and Response (NDR) platform uses powerful and proven AI algorithms to analyse network data in order to generate complete visibility over IT networks and to immediately detect anomalies that indicate cyber attacks. Exeon is used in leading international banks, logistics providers and pharmaceutical companies and supports security teams in the efficient monitoring and effective assessment and handling of security incidents. In contrast to conventional NDR solutions, ExeonTrace analyses network metadata and therefore does not require any additional infrastructure. Since no further appliances are required, ExeonTrace can be easily deployed across internationally distributed locations. In addition, metadata analysis is not affected by increasingly encrypted data traffic, which makes ExeonTrace particularly future-proof. ExeonTrace runs entirely within the customer's network and/or cloud infrastructure, ensuring full data control.
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