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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-526

essendi xc – Redefining certificate management




Cryptography Identity and access management Electronic signatures User (rights) management Authentication Email security Network security

Key Facts

  • Certificate and Key Management (CKMS)
  • Certificate Distribution (ACME, Agents, SCEP etc.)
  • PKI Self-Service Portal and Automation

Product Description

The data of your company and your customers is valuable. Users expect data security and transparency. Not only do information security gaps cost your company money; they also harm your reputation. It is not without reason that the protection of data and data flow in companies is of the utmost importance. With digital certificates (TLS/SSL/x.509), you can guarantee information security and the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of your sensitive data. In practice however, this involves numerous security certificates and a hefty administrative burden, which poses special challenges for IT. We developed essendi xc to make sure these challenges don’t turn into problems. Our centralized certificate management tool simplifies, automates and optimizes your certificate management. Our software supports you throughout the entire process, from application and renewal to certificate installation, and helps you keep track of your certificates and their periods of validity. Thanks to multi-CA functionality, interfaces for common HSM manufacturers and custom expandability, the application can be tailored to your needs and infrastructure. The xc processes have also been expanded to include the handling of Smart Meter PKI certificates.
essendi xc also supports efficient implementation of cryptography guidelines to help you achieve a suitable level of security for your company. Simple and smart.
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