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Elastic | The Search AI Company of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-417

Elastic | The Search AI Company

Bringing together the precision of search and the intelligence of AI.

About us


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We offer

  • Application security
  • Big data Security
  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Endpoint security
  • Storage solutions
  • Web application security
  • Payment systems (PCI-DSS)
  • Data center security
  • Threat analysis
  • High availability
  • Intrusion detection / prevention
  • IT service management
  • Log management
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Security management
  • SIEM Security information and event management
  • Unified threat management (UTM) / security appliances
  • Anti-virus and malware protection
  • Archiving / Long-term storage
  • Data protection, data security
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Open source (software and services)


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce
  • Data center operation
Maximilianstraße 54
80538 München

About us

Elastic, the Search AI Company, helps everyone find the answers they need in real time, using all their data, at scale. Elastic’s solutions for search, observability, security, and generative AI are built on the Elastic Search AI Platform bringing together the precision of search with the intelligence of AI.

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Big Data Security | Intrusion Detection / Prevention | Cloud (Computing) Security | Unified Threat Management (UTM) / Security-Appliances | Web Application Security | SIEM Security Inforamtion and Event Management


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