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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-449

OT- & CyberSecurity Technologien

Product Expert



Public key infrastructure Application security Network security Big data Security Cloud (computing) security Email security Log management Penetration tests Risk analysis and management SIEM Security information and event management APT protection Anti-spam solutions Counter-intelligence Threat analysis Compliance / GRC (products and services) Computer emergency response team (CERT) Awareness Education / training / qualification Consulting IT security Forensics ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799) BSI IT baseline protection Managed security services

Key Facts

  • Education, Protection, Detection, Incident Orchestration, Validation. ectacom's solution areas are aimed at supporting the growth of partners. Our technologies and services are representative of technology-leading manufacturers from all over the world.
  • We support our partners extensively with marketing services, technical professional services as well as education and training services.

Product Description

ectacom is a business development distributor for complex cyber and OT/IoT security technologies and corresponding technology services. We see ourselves as a business developer for visionary technologies on the one hand, and as a sourcing expert and technology enabler for our partners on the other. We offer them access to the latest market and technology developments at all times and support them in opening up new markets and high-margin business areas.

Recognized IT experts, integrators and consulting firms have been relying on our expertise in market-leading technologies and services for years.

More complex technical expertise, product evaluations, installation, configuration and implementation services as well as support services round off our business development profile.

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