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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-428

Security Operations & DTS SOC

Product Expert



Managed security services Application security Network security Asset management / IT documentation Cloud (computing) security Endpoint security Intrusion detection / prevention Security management Threat analysis Firewalls Data protection, data security Access protection Admission control Network access control (NAC) Forensics SIEM Security information and event management

Key Facts

  • Security Operations
  • Detection & Response + Incident Response
  • Security Operations Center (SOC)

Product Description

Do you have an overview of your security solutions and real visibility into your IT landscape? Do you have a real understanding of your IT security situation? Can you respond to IT security emergencies in a time-critical and targeted manner?

We offer seamless security operations, in an exceptional combination of platform and 24/7 service. We bundle and orchestrate your existing security solutions, independent of manufacturers, make your IT security landscape completely transparent and enable centralized, direct actions - all monitored, analyzed and controlled around the clock by the top experts in the DTS SOC. In addition, we continuously identify security gaps and constantly develop your security level with clear roadmaps. Moving away from passive, decentralized data collection to active, centralized visibility and control.

Our Security Operations Platform is a collaborative IT security architecture. The result is data collection and management on a central platform, with unified database, orchestration and control. We detect anomalies as well as incidents and enable immediate, targeted action.

AI, machine learning and automation are as much a part of our Security Operations as physical, tuned-in, top professional DTS SOC experts. We have found the best possible mix to provide 24/7 Managed Detection & Response of the highest quality at a total of four European locations.

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