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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-340

DriveLock HYPERSECURE Platform


Managed security services Consulting IT security Awareness Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Anti-virus and malware protection Interface protection / Device management Application security

Key Facts

  • Cloud-based protection of the entire data lifecycle
  • IT Security made in Germany
  • Zero Trust

Product Description

Cloud-based protection of the entire data lifecycle based on the Zero Trust Model.

DriveLock presents HYPERSECURE IT, the new high-performance class of IT security. Conventional security solutions aim to combat criminal activities within IT systems. We go our own way.

With the HYPERSECURE Platform, we ensure that cyber attacks never make it into your IT in the first place. They stay where they belong: outside!

Our HYPERSECURE Platform is like a powerful counter-force of highly specialised defenders who are among the best in their respective disciplines. The result is cloud-based protection of the entire data lifecycle at the highest level.

The basis for this: Zero Trust, next level. Made in Germany and perfectly implemented.

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