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Network access control (NAC) User (rights) management Admission control Access protection

Key Facts

  • Identity Access Management
  • IAM
  • IDM

Product Description

Authorisation Management - Next Generation Identity Access Management SIMPLE. SECURE. READY TO GO. tenfold is an integrated solution for authorisation management. With this solution, you operate your authorisation management transparently and with significantly less effort than before, protect your organisation's data from unauthorised internal access and prevent the risk of financial and legal damage to you and your company. ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL SYSTEMS Would you like to see all authorisations in Exchange at a glance or synchronise AD with SAP? No problem! You can integrate tenfold with more than 60 third-party systems, including SAP, Exchange, IBM Notes, Dynamics NAV and various industry-specific systems.  FINALLY ORDER IN YOUR FILE SERVERS Would you like to see who can access which resources in your company? No problem! tenfold provides clear reports on the current status of all authorisations at any time. NO FEAR OF AUDITS Compliance audits are never a piece of cake. But with tenfold you can be sure that every single process is documented and filed in an audit-proof and compliance-compliant manner.   
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