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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-529

KOBRA Stick - encrypted USB-C Stick



Key Facts

  • Very easy to use: connect, log on, use
  • AES encryption in XTS mode with 2 x 256-bit keys
  • User can create, change and destroy the key

Product Description

The KOBRA Stick is an encrypted USB-C stick in a stable, elegant metal housing with an integrated keyboard. It enables the GDPR-compliant storage and safekeeping as well as thesecure transport of sensitive business and private data of authorities, companies and private individuals. The KOBRA Stick was developed taking into account the "Technical Guidelines" ofthe BSI, has the quality mark "IT Security made in Germany" and is a good option for securely storing data on the move due to its security functions.

The crypto module encrypts all data using the AES algorithm in XTS mode and two 256-bit cryptographic keys. PIN entry is required for access. The data stored on the KOBRA Stick isprotected from unauthorised access with regard to the confidentiality of the information, for example if the data storage device is lost or stolen, as well as in the event of logical or physicalattacks.

The Kobra Stick automatically generates the new encryption keys and resets the user PIN to the factory settings as soon as the permissible number of incorrect PIN entries has beenexceeded. Access to the data previously stored on the Kobra Stick is then no longer possible. The user can create, change and destroy the cryptographic keys at any time. Theseprocesses are irreversible. After the creation of new crypto keys, the old crypto keys and thus all stored data are permanently destroyed.

Further advantages: - Role division: administrator - user - Automatic formatting after key change - 4- to 16-digit user PIN - Write protection & bootability - Time-out function (1 to 30min) - Quick-Out functions - Sturdy metal housing with splash water protection - Integrated power supply - Execution of many functions without PC connection - Modern USB-C connection - Memory sizes: 16GB to 512GB

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