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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-529

KOBRA Drive VS - external encrypted HDD/SSD



Key Facts

  • Very easy to use: connect, log in, use
  • Extremely secure: strong encryption and access control
  • BSI approval: up to VS-NfD, NATO and EU RESTRICTED

Product Description

The KOBRA Drive VS is an external encrypted hard drive with smart card and an integrated keyboard. It enables the GDPR-compliant storage, safekeeping and secure transport ofsensitive, personal and confidential data up to the classification level VS-NfD (classified information - for official use only), NATO and EU RESTRICTED for authorities and companies. Thishard disk represents the current state of the art.

The crypto module encrypts all data using the AES algorithm in XTS mode and two 256-bit cryptographic keys. A smart card and PIN entry are required for access. In addition, PKI-basedcompany, service and troop ID cards can be used.

All data stored on the KOBRA Drive VS is securely protected against unauthorised access in case of loss or theft. The smartcard is automatically blocked after the permissible number ofincorrect PIN entries has been exceeded. Access to the stored data is only possible again after the smartcard has been unlocked or with another integrated smartcard. In addition, the usercan irrevocably destroy all stored data by generating a new crypto key or by deleting the smartcard table. Several KOBRA Drive VS can be operated with only one smartcard. This is suitable for data volumes that exceed the capacity of one KOBRA Drive VS. In addition, this data storage deviceenables secure and cost-efficient data dispatch by post or parcel service.

Further features: - Role allocation: Administrator - User - External generation of crypto keys on the smart card - Write protection & bootability - Time-out function (1 to 30min) - Lock-Out and Quick-Out functions - Sturdy metal housing with splash water protection - Integrated power supply - Execution of many functions without PC connection - Card reader function - Storage sizes: 1TB to 16TB

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