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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-529

DIGITTRADE RS256 - external encrypted RFID HDD/SSD



Key Facts

  • Easy to use: connect, log in, use
  • AES encryption in XTS mode with 2 x 256-bit keys
  • RFID access control + elegant & robust aluminium housing

Product Description

The RS256 is an external hard drive with hardware encryption and RFID access control. It reliably protects sensitive data from unauthorised access and foreign eyes, whether at home, onthe road or in the office. This hard disk has an elegant and robust aluminium housing, which protects it well against mechanical influences and electromagnetic waves. Additional protectionis provided by the specially developed anti-shock protectors. Thanks to the combination of a hardware-based encryption module and RFID access control, this security hard disk worksindependently of the operating system and can be used flexibly.

The encryption module integrated in the security housing performs a complete encryption of the hard disk. Every stored byte and every written sector on the data storage device isencrypted according to 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) in XTS mode. In addition, this hard disk encrypts all temporary files and areas that often go unnoticed by encryptionsoftware. User authentication is done using AES standard 256-bit RFID access control. With the help of this technology, the encryption commands are transferred to the hard disk. Toaccess the encrypted hard disk and thus all data, you need one of the two RFID keys included in the scope of delivery.

Further advantages: - encrypted storage of the crypto key on the hard disk - all data is automatically encrypted and stored in real time by the hardware encryption module - integrated silicone anti-shock protectors - protection against mechanical influences and electromagnetic waves due to robust aluminium housing - Operating system-independent and bootable - no performance restrictions - simple operation, maintenance and support-free - Operating system independent and bootable - Storage sizes: 1TB to 4TB

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