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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-529

DIGITTRADE HS256 S3 - external encrypted High Security HDD/SSD



Key Facts

  • Easy to use: connect, log in, use
  • Secure protection: strong encryption & access control
  • BSI-certified hard disk, smart card and crypto module

Product Description

The HS256 S3 is an external hard drive with hardware encryption. Its design is adapted to the needs of companies and authorities and is particularly suitable for the secure transport ofdata and for creating backups. The elegant and robust 2.5-inch aluminium housing protects against mechanical influences and electromagnetic waves. The USB3.0 connection ensuresfast data transfer during reading and writing.

The BSI certification confirms that you can entrust your particularly sensitive data to this hard disk. In addition, with this hard drive you meet the strictest requirements of the GermanFederal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) with regard to the secure storage of personal data.

The information stored on the HS256 S3 is protected against unauthorised access, for example if the hard disk is lost or stolen, or in the event of logical or physical attacks, with regard tothe confidentiality of the information.

Multiple HS256 S3s can be operated with only one smart card. This is suitable for data volumes that exceed the capacity of one HS256 S3. In addition, secure and cost-efficient datatransport is possible by the sender and recipient having smart cards with the same crypto key.

Special security packaging can be used to determine whether tampering attempts have been made during the delivery of the HS256 S3. In addition, these bags can be used as asupplement when sending data.

Further advantages: - Simple and secure handling: connect, log in, use - Automatic encryption of all data in real time - BSI certification (BSI-DSZ-CC-0825-2017) - Certified encryption module (FIPS 197) - BSI certified smart card NXP J2E081_M64 R3 (BSI CC EAL5 ) - Elegant metal housing - Storage sizes: 1TB to 4TB

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