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Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-230 Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-231

Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH

With Security to Success

About us






We offer

  • Threat analysis
  • Consulting IT security
  • Managed security services


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce
Bonner Talweg 100
53113 Bonn

About us

Telekom Security: With Security to Success

We believe in a secure digital future with maximum opportunities and minimum risk. A world of digital participation in which everyone can experience what connects without restriction. In this world, we design tailored and holistic digital security for the Group and our customers.

At it-sa 2023 in Nuremberg, we will be happy to show you what this can look like for you in concrete terms - also with impressive exhibits:

  • Managed Cyber Defense. Accelerating responsiveness through automation and AI deployment.
  • Premium Zero Trust. Private, global corporate networks via Internet with top speed and zero-trust architecture.
  • SASE. Maximum security in the SD-WAN context for hybrid workspaces as well as migrating applications and workloads to the cloud.
  • Industrial Control Systems. Securing the value chain in production and logistics through OT/IoT security.

Meet our experts who can guide you on your way to zero-trust architecture with unique know-how and methodological expertise - especially if you need to secure critical infrastructure.

More about us

With around 1,700 specialists and over 25 years of experience, we identify threats at an early stage and offer comprehensive consulting, technological solutions and managed services. Telekom Security supports the entire lifecycle, from identification, classification and defense against threats to disaster recovery. Our customers benefit from our in-depth industry knowledge with numerous use cases.

Our experience and accumulated knowledge flow into Telekom's own innovative and future-oriented software development. This includes machine learning, artificial intelligence, mobile device protection, vulnerability scanning, identity management and an intelligent attack, detection and monitoring system. We work closely with major security technology vendors and innovative startups.

At the heart of our monitoring is the integrated Cyber Defense & Security Operations Center (SOC). With more than 240 security specialists worldwide and 24/7 availability, we have a comprehensive view of the ever-changing threat landscape at all times. This enables us to detect, defend and analyze attacks in almost real time.

Whether in the Telekom Group worldwide or for our external customers: we protect what matters.

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Zero Trust | Security Consulting | SASE | Managed Cyber Defense | Industrial Control Systems


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