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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-423

Threat Detection & Hunting


Managed security services Forensics Consulting IT security Awareness

Key Facts

  • Managed Intelligence
  • Managed Visibility
  • Managed Analytics

Product Description

Optimal recognition Armed with a comprehensive set of indicators and rules, we recognise attacks at an early stage. We do not just rely on open source and commercial partners. Rather, we enrich that information with knowledge from our own threat intelligence and information provided by the DCSO community and our network. Best possible visibility and transparency Corporate networks are constantly the focus of professional attackers seeking to commit industrial espionage or sabotage. In order to defend your resources successfully, you need to ensure the visibility of your own data traffic and detect movement between infected systems (lateral movement). These are decisive factors. We inform you in the case of an incident Relieve strain on your SOC (Security Operations Centre) with our Managed Security Service and a superior sensor system installed at central nodes of the network infrastructure. We lay the groundwork to make sure that the relevant data traffic remains transparent. If an alarm is triggered, our analyst backend evaluates and filters false alarms, rates the criticality and urgency of the alarm, and generates a comprehensive report. That way, you can stay best informed about specific observations and affected systems and receive appropriate recommendations for action.
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