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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-423

Incident Response


Managed security services Forensics Consulting IT security Intrusion detection / prevention

Key Facts

  • Emergency assistance
  • Certified APT response service provider
  • Help to prepare for the next incident

Product Description

We understand advanced persistent threats (APT) Anyone can become the target of organised crime or industrial espionage. Attackers are increas-ingly re-appropriating tools for company network administration tools to perpetrate their attacks. This makes detecting such attacks much more difficult. Our Digital Forensics & Incident Re-sponse (DFIR) specialists have many years of experience in analysing and defending against targeted attacks on corporate and government networks. Therefore, we know how attackers work. Let’s prepare for emergencies together The close interlinking of incident response, threat intelligence, and threat detection enables us to take swift and effective action against industrial espionage, sabotage, and organised crime. If you fall victim to a major attack, we not only help you to analyse (investigate) the incident, but together we can prepare and carry out the remediation stage. The findings of the incident analy-sis are applied during the post-remediation phase to help design and construct a resilient infra-structure. These will help you to initiate the necessary measures to sustainably maintain the new level of security.
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