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Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-230


Shaping the future, together

About us






We offer

  • IT service management


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Virnsberger Straße 63
90329 Nürnberg

About us

DATEV eG is the third-largest provider of business software in Germany (IDC Ranking 2023) and one of the major European IT service providers. Founded in 1966, the cooperative of the tax consulting profession has generated revenues of 1.44 billion euros in its fiscal year 2023.

With its software, cloud solutions, and expertise, the Nuremberg-based company provides the basis for digital cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses and tax consultants who oversee their client's business management. DATEV supports 2.8 million companies, self-employed individuals, municipalities, associations, and institutions through this community. With more than 8,900 employees, the company attends to the needs of about 620,000 customers in digitalising their commercial processes. Data protection, data security, and tax compliance are top priorities.

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