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So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

Create an onsite appointment with

So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.


Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-213

E-Mail-Security eXpurgate


Anti-spam solutions Email security

Key Facts

  • 99.99% spam detection rate
  • Protection against phishing & spam & malware
  • Advances Threat Protection

Product Description

eXpurgate is a powerful anti-spam solution that offers reliable protection against unwanted emails. With its innovative filter technology, eXpurgate recognises and blocks spam emails, phishing attacks and other malicious content before it enters the inbox.With a spam detection rate of over 99.99% and the detection of over 1 billion emails per day, eXpurgate sets standards in the industry. Added to this are the outstanding false positive rate and the effective protection mechanisms against zero-day attacks.The solution is easy to implement, compatible with various email systems and offers user-friendly administration. All eXpurgate services are 100% Made in Germany to guarantee the highest quality and security standards in data processing and service.

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