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Software New



Open source (software and services) Identity and access management Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • eduMFA was designed and developed as a modular solution for multi-factor authentication. The software can therefore be customised to individual requirements and expanded as required.
  • OTP tokens ("one-time password tokens") are primarily used for the customisable authentication flow. The software communicates via interfaces that are modelled on common REST interfaces, enabling simple and seamless integration into existing IT landscapes.
  • In particular, eduMFA contains an implementation of Passkey, which enables authentication without a password.

Product Description

eduMFA is an authentication system for multi-factor authentication (MFA) that takes into account the requirements of universities in particular.

The use of eduMFA enables multiple authentication methods, which increases the protection of sensitive data. The software guarantees a particularly high level of security while remaining user-friendly.

eduMFA is a fork of the open source software privacyIDEA supported by German universities.

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