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So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

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Product Expert



Open source (software and services) Education / training / qualification Identity and access management User (rights) management Admission control Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • By using singular modules existing systems can simply be amended by yet missing functionality, however didmos can also be a comprehensive IAM system when all modules are used together.
  • Versatile in application possibilities and a high compatability level due to considering international standards.
  • Constant development ensure the usages of state-of-the-art technology.

Product Description

dimos is the highly effective Identity & Acces Management software of DAASI International. In contrast to commonly rigid standard solutions, didmos is very flexible. The framework consists of seven adaptable open source components, that are all coordinated and therefore they complement each other well. Together, the didmos modules form a flexible, highly effective and comprehensive IAM system, which can meet even very specific requirements. The actual strength of didmos lies in the mentioned modular structure. The components are independent of each other and can also be individually implemented in existing IT infrastructures. Finally, didmos’ high standard conformity and strong focus on expandability serve as the ideal basis to be customised for the individual costumer. didmos is no proprietary standard software but rather an exclusive and sustainable solution, that uses its modular traits to easily adapt to any condition.

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Product Expert


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