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D-Trust GmbH - Ein Unternehmen der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe of the it-sa 365
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Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-235

D-Trust GmbH - Ein Unternehmen der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe

As an independent and certified trust service provider and part of Bundesdruckerei-Group we aim to boost trust in digitalization

About us


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We offer

  • Email security
  • BSI IT baseline protection
  • Managed security services
Kommandantenstraße 15
10969 Berlin

About us

Berlin-based D Trust GmbH is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. With its technologically mature solutions, it is a veritable pioneer in secure digital identities. In this way, the company is strengthening confidence in digitalization. As an independent and qualified trust service provider, D Trust has been listed with the Federal Network Agency since 2016 within the framework of the eIDAS Regulation. The company translates trust into concrete products by supplying legally secure and certified trust services, such as digital certificates and electronic signatures. These products meet the highest security standards of state-of-the-art infrastructures and enable secure digital identities for companies, public authorities and for private use. D Trust GmbH employs a workforce of currently around 240, generating revenue of EUR 79.9 million in 2021.

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Certificate Solutions | Certified Security Solutions | Digital Identities | Signature and Sealing Services | Trust Services | Legally Secure and Trustworthy Products


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