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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-406

Zscaler Cloud Security


Cloud (computing) security

Key Facts

  • Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA)
  • Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)

Product Description

Conventional network structures, in which the connection only goes through the central office, are replaced by direct Internet access. This is the end of the classic security appliances at each location. Uniform immediate protection for every Internet access can still be guaranteed highly efficiently: with Zscaler, the world's leading cloud security platform. Everything at a glance: - High, uniform and centralized security standards and policies in decentralized structures - for all users anywhere in the world - Reduce MPLS traffic and costs through local Internet breakouts - Noticeable reduction of latency times when accessing applications, e.g. Office 365 - Bandwidth control: Detailed analysis and control of traffic outbreaks and performance fluctuations with Bandwith Control - 120,000 security updates per day with automated blocking of newly discovered threats for all users in seconds - Flexible scalability: Easily scale usage without an uneconomical appliance approach - Log functionalities with insights parallel to the official IT infrastructure (shadow IT)
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