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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-406

Proofpoint E-Mail Security


Forensics Awareness Data leakage / loss prevention Archiving / Long-term storage Compliance / GRC (products and services) Business continuity Threat analysis Anti-spam solutions APT protection Cloud (computing) security Network security

Key Facts

  • E-Mail Security
  • E-Mail Archivierung
  • E-Mail Security Gateway

Product Description

What sounds simple is technologically highly sophisticated: zero-day attacks, polymorphic (constantly changing) malware, harmful attachments and URLs - the list of modern threats in e-mail communication is long. What does Proofpoint Email Security offer? - Rapid deployment without large investments: existing email and security solutions are optimally complemented - CEO fraud, phishing emails and URLs: modern attacks target the human factor - Proofpoint protects your employees - Increase email security and visibility: even in Office 365 environments - Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) stops attacks that traditional security systems allow to pass - as a sandbox solution with a cloud-based scanning service for malicious attachments and URLs - Email Data Loss Prevention: Granular policies to protect against data loss from outbound confidential information Proofpoint Email Security Gateway: On Premise, as an appliance (virtual/hardware) or as a cloud solution in highly available data centers - Proofpoint Enterprise Archive: Audit-proof and compliant archiving in the cloud
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