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Network Blueprint

Logo Cynamics

by Cynamics




Artificial intelligence Denial of service protection Intrusion detection / prevention Cyber-physical systems security Cloud (computing) security Network security

Key Facts

  • This NDR Technology is ready to block any Cyberthreat or Cyberattack within minutes after configuration.
  • Requires no agents, sensors, or probes for effortless scalability
  • Uncovers hidden threat patterns in real-time, deploying patented AI technology

Product Description

Network Blueprint is Cynamic’s breakthrough NDR (Network Detection and Response) technology that combines AI and deep learning to autonomously detect and analyze patterns across networks, using a fraction of data flow to infer the entire flow. This gives organizations complete network visibility to identify and prevent threats long before they hit, without the need to monitor every single network device.The next generation technology autonomously detects and analyzes patterns - from network edge devices to user endpoints, for a holistic view of the entire network. Network Blueprint collects small traffic samples from every network device or VPC – whether it’s a legacy router, private or public cloud, using standard sampling protocols built into every network device.

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