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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-153

CyCognito Platform

Key Facts

  • Attack Surface Discovery and Mapping
  • Automated Security Testing
  • Intelligent Remediation Guidance

Product Description

The CyCognito Platform Go well beyond discovery with external attack surface management that lets you rule your risk. Reduce Business Risk and Protect Your Attack Surface The CyCognito platform focuses on what attackers think, see, and do to help you dramatically reduce your overall business risk. With no deployment required, it autonomously discovers and maps your organization’s entire external attack surface and identifies the business context of assets. It then tests your attack surface, looking for the path of least resistance—critical points of exposure that attackers can most easily exploit. The CyCognito platform prioritizes your risks based on attacker interest, discoverability, and exploitability. All of this information is delivered to your operations teams—via our UI and using a broad range of integrations and automated workflows—so they know where to focus immediately. This accelerates remediation by giving your teams the actionable intelligence, evidence, and prescriptive remediation guidance they need.
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