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Cybersecurity Luxembourg of the it-sa 365
Association / Authority / Other organisation

Cybersecurity Luxembourg

CYBERSECURITY LUXEMBOURG is the name of the Luxembourg ecosystem, active in cybersecurity

About us






We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Computer emergency response team (CERT)
  • Denial of service protection
  • Cryptography
  • Open source (software and services)


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
122 rue Adolphe Fischer
1521 Luxembourg

About us

 The CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg initiative aims to bring together and federate all cybersecurity players in Luxembourg, as part of the national cybersecurity strategy, developed by the High Commission for National Protection, in partnership with Luxinnovation and SECURITYMADEIN.LU. To strengthen the promotion of this ecosystem, a dedicated brand has been created as well as a CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg Ecosystem platform. CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg ecosystem offers a vast expertise, product and services by gathering up to 300+ players divided into 3 main sectors: • Private Sector: private companies that offer services & solutions in the field of cybersecurity; • Public Sector: authorities and regulators in charge or involved in the application of the regulations applying to the sector, organisations involved in education and research, and sectoral public-private partnerships; • Civil Society: organisations that bring together collective strengths to address cybersecurity topics.
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