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Cyber Maturity@CodeCooperation of the it-sa 365

Cyber Maturity@CodeCooperation

AI-based Cybersecurity Maturity and Risk Quantification

About us




We offer

  • Threat analysis
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Security management
  • Consulting IT security
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Energy and water supply
  • Healthcare
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
Wentzingerstraße 80
79106 Freiburg

About us

CodeCooperation GmbH is an innovation-driven software company focused on developing outstanding software products. This year, we are excited to introduce the following award-winning cyber tool:

Cyber Maturity Assessment Tool (CMAT)


CMAT is an innovative, AI-based platform designed to assist organizations in assessing and enhancing their cybersecurity maturity. Our goal is to provide businesses of all sizes with a tool that allows them to effectively analyze and strengthen their security practices as well as quantify their cyber risks.

Main Features:

  • Security Maturity Assessment: Evaluate your security practices according to ISO and NIST standards to analyze the current security situation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Risk Quantification: Quantify financial risks associated with threats such as DDOS attacks and ransomware.
  • AI-Based Strategic Threat Analysis: Provide insights into industry-specific as well as regional and global threat landscapes.
  • Benchmarks: Enhance your cybersecurity strategy with our industry benchmarks.

Our Process:

  • Maturity Assessment and OSINT Collection: Assess the cybersecurity maturity and collect industry-specific data.
  • Risk Quantification: Define the level of cybersecurity maturity and quantify the financial risks.
  • Visualization: Present the collected data in a clear format to support strategic decisions.

For questions, feel free to contact us directly or visit us at the Baden-Württemberg booth in Hall 9.

  ... read more


NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Strategy | Cyber Risk Quantification | Cyber Maturity Assessment | Cyber Compliance | Critical Infrastructures (KRITIS)


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