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Cubbit of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-526


Unmatched security. Unlimited scalability. Unbeatable price. Welcome to Cubbit DS3, the next-generation cloud object storage.

About us


Floor plan








We offer

  • Storage solutions
  • Data deletion
  • Data protection, data security
  • Electronic signatures
  • Authorities / associations
Via della Zecca, 1
40121 Bologna

About us

A partner of Gaia-X, Cubbit is Europe’s first geo-distributed cloud object storage. Its groundbreaking technology delivers unmatched security, compliance, and sustainability — at 80% less than hyperscalers.

Unlike traditional cloud storage, Cubbit doesn't store data in a few centralized data centers. Instead, files are encrypted, fragmented, and replicated across geo-distributed networks — safe from disasters, ransomware, and data breaches.

This advanced distribution mechanism expands across multiple cities within a single country, ensuring compliance with the nation's specific data sovereignty laws. Indeed, Cubbit allows users to geofence the area where data is stored in full compliance with GDPR, CCPA, ACN (ex AgID), and ISO.

Cubbit is built for Maximum Data Protection:

  • Distribute S3 buckets over several physical sites (a minimum of three within each country)
  • Save up to 80% savings compared to AWS/Azure/Google and on-prem solutions
  • Protect from ransomware and disasters
  • Guarantee compliance with the strictest laws
  • Save 25kg of CO2 per TB stored every year
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Cubbit DS3: geo-distributed cloud object storage | Guarantee compliance with the strictest laws | Unmatched security | compliance | and sustainability | Protect from ransomware and disasters


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