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Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-217

CRYPTAS it-Security GmbH

we establish trust

About us


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We offer

  • Compliance / GRC (products and services)
  • Authentication
  • Electronic signatures
  • Identity and access management
  • Public key infrastructure
  • Cryptography


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Critical Infrastractures
Franzosengraben 8, 4.OG
1030 Wien

About us

CRYPTAS was founded in 2003 with the aim of making the digital world more secure through applied cryptography. Since then, innovative solutions and products based on the technological pillars of PKI, smart cards and the associated management systems have won over 40,000 customers in more than 100 countries. Our customer base includes major international corporations and leading industrial companies from various sectors.Today, CRYPTAS is regarded as THE specialist for certificate-based solutions in complex system environments. This includes, for example, solutions for secure digital identity for employees and customers (including strong authentication and encryption) as well as securing device and system identities on a large scale (IoT). Specific products used here include PKI systems with HSM protection, physical and virtual smart cards, signature solutions in various forms, encryption of databases, file systems and cloud environments as well as trusted certificates. Our solutions are provided either on-premise, on the basis of cloud services or in private cloud or managed service environments. Private cloud or managed service environments are operated in our operations centers according to the highest operational and security standards.

In order to meet the needs of the market and also cater to smaller organizations, our focus is on the efficiency and scalability of our solutions and products. In our own eIDAS-compliant Trust Center - primesign Trust Center - millions of transactions are signed every day and thousands of qualified onboardings are carried out remotely. A 24/7 support service and our own online store, where we sell the hardware and software that is also used in PKI projects, round off our portfolio.

The CRYPTAS Group is headquartered in Vienna, with further subsidiaries in Graz, Düsseldorf, Hengelo and Stockholm.

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Qualified Signatures | Public Key Infrastructure | Multifactor Authentication and Credential Management | Key Management | eIDAS Vertrauensdiensteanbieter | Certificate Lifecycle Management


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