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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-530

FALCON X - Threat Intelligence

Key Facts

  • Wertvolle Einblicke in Bedrohungen für proaktiven Schutz
  • Vereinfacht und beschleunigt Bedrohungsanalysen
  • Informative Unterstützung in der strategischen Sicherheitsplanung

Product Description

Implementing threat intelligence can profoundly transform an organisation’s security posture, but until now, it’s been too complex and costly for many organisations to adopt and operationalise. This white paper introduces CrowdStrike® Falcon X , the automated threat intelligence solution that delivers the critical intelligence you need, while eliminating the resource-draining complexity of incident investigations. That’s because Falcon X - an integrated part of the CrowdStrike Falcon® endpoint protection platform - takes threat information directly from your endpoints, combines it with world-class threat intelligence and delivers customised indicators of compromise (IOCs). This enables SOC (security operations center) teams to immediately implement proactive defences with contextualised, actionable intelligence delivered in real time.
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