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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-530

FALCON INSIGHT - Endpoint Detection & Response

Key Facts

  • Ermöglicht Echtzeit und Forensische Untersuchungen
  • Ermöglicht sofortige Reaktion und Geräte-Isoloation
  • Ermöglicht proaktives Threat Hunting

Product Description

Traditional endpoint security tools have blind spots, making them unable to see and stop advanced threats. CrowdStrike® Falcon Insight solves this by delivering complete endpoint visibility across your organization. Insight continuously monitors all endpoint activity and analyzes the data in real time to automatically identify threat activity, enabling it to both detect and prevent advanced threats as they happen. All endpoint activity is also streamed to the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform so that security teams can rapidly investigate incidents, respond to alerts and proactively hunt for new threats. Insight continuously monitors all endpoint activity and analyzes the data in real time to automatically identify threat activity, enabling it to both detect and prevent advanced threats as they happen. All endpoint activity is also streamed to the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform so that security teams can rapidly investigate incidents, respond to alerts and proactively hunt for new threats.
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