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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-312


Product Expert



License management IT service management Asset management / IT documentation Interface protection / Device management Mobile device managment

Product Description

Matrix42 is a German software manufacturer headquartered in Frankfurt am Main that has created a holistic Workplace Management solution. With over 25 years of experience in this field, Matrix42's software solutions combine the components IT Service Management, Client Management and IT Security Management in a holistic approach. With various software suites, Matrix42 offers the right solution for medium-sized businesses as well as for large customers. With over 100 employees, Consulting4IT supports companies from process consulting to procurement and technical implementation. In addition, the Consulting4IT Academy trains around 500 customers annually in over 20 training formats. The dedicated support team helps with all questions regarding Matrix42 solutions. Consulting4IT products developed according to best practice extend the functional scope of the manufacturer's solution. The 40-strong consulting team is fully certified by Matrix42. They are the specialists among the specialists. Over 1000 successful projects prove the competence of our consultants and our satisfied customers confirm this every day. Consulting4IT is one of the few Matrix42 partners that has its own support department for the complete product range. This ensures that our customers benefit from our know-how and experience not only during implementation, but also during subsequent operation. Our development department is occupied on a daily basis with finding ways to add to Matrix42's products. With our own products, we extend the range of functions of the manufacturer's solution according to our best practice approach from over 10 years of project experience. We will show you how to properly exploit the potential of your Matrix42 environment and considerably simplify your everyday work.
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