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Cofense Ltd of the it-sa 365

Cofense Ltd

Cofense® helps you to see and stop the threats SEGs miss

About us








We offer

  • Email security
  • Threat analysis
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Anti-spam solutions
  • Anti-virus and malware protection
  • Awareness
  • Managed security services
  • Education / training / qualification


  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • E-Commerce
5 Lloyds Avenue, 4th Floor
EC3N 3AE London
United Kingdom

About us

Cofense® is the leading provider of phishing detection and response solutions. Designed for enterprise organizations, the Cofense Phishing Detection and Response (PDR) platform leverages a global network of over 35 million people actively reporting suspected phish, combined with advanced automation to stop phishing attacks faster and stay ahead of breaches. When deploying the full suite of Cofense solutions, organisations can educate employees on how to identify and report phish, detect phish in their environment and respond quickly to remediate threats. Cofense understands how to improve security, aid incident response and reduce the risk of compromise.
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threat reporting | threat autoquarantining | Phishing simulations and training | Managed email security | email security risk management | email security


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