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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-236

Incident response and forensics


Forensics Education / training / qualification Denial of service protection Computer emergency response team (CERT) Anti-virus and malware protection Counter-intelligence Anti-spam solutions APT protection Security management

Key Facts

  • Incident Handling
  • IT Forensik
  • Incident Response

Product Description

24/7 availability in case of an incident

We offer our customers throughout Germany 24/7 availability of our experts for incident response and forensics with guaranteed response times as well as a comprehensive range of services to handle targeted attacks and other IT security incidents.

In case of a hacker intrusion or an infection with ransomware, our experts provide advice and support and are ready to act:

  • Selecting suitable immediate actions
  • Support during processing and follow-up
  • Support during recovery

This allows you to react quickly and in the correct way, so that the incident can be limited as soon as possible and be processed afterwards in order to reduce the impact to a minimum.

Due to our expertise, the BSI has listed us as a qualified APT Response service provider.

In addition, we support you with:

  • Detailed examination and forensics
  • Preparing and performing incident response exercises to train the correct reaction
  • Consulting on and drawing-up of concepts for incident handling
  • Incident Handling & Response training
... read more

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