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Phishing Campaign

Product Expert



Consulting IT security Awareness

Product Description

Phishing Campaign – What is it? Phishing mails are emails that are intended to trick the user into revealing data about himself or his environment. Often, links are used that lead to a prepared website or attachments, in the form of Office documents, which can be in the email. The fake website or the attachments can access the user's data accordingly. This is done, for example, by actively entering the user's data into the corresponding input fields or by silently monitoring the user's activities. In a phishing campaign, you imitate the approach of an attacker. In consultation with you, we send fake e-mails to your staff. This is done in several stages and then we statistically check how the users have behaved. We will then show you how often emails have been opened, attachments downloaded or sensitive data passed on without consultation.
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Product Expert


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