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BxC Consulting of the it-sa 365

BxC Consulting

We keep on securing so you can keep on producing

About us








We offer

  • Vulnerability and patch management
  • SIEM Security information and event management
  • Identity and access management
  • Public key infrastructure


  • Industrial IT security

About us

BxC Consulting is a cyber security consulting company, which aims to bridge the gap between the different stakeholders ́ world and business needs. We are part of the cybersecurity environment and in particular, we focus on "OT Security". OT stands for Operational Technology: OT security is about improving the cybersecurity maturity level in the production/shopfloor environment. This field is also sometimes called ICS Security, where ICS stands for Industrial Control Systems.

Our main clients are big international DACH companies and mid-sized German companies. Our clients work in various sectors like pharmaceutics, chemistry, precious metals, energy, consumer goods, etc. Their key common point is their manufacturing/industrial environment.

Our business idea was to become our clients’ thinking partner, aiming to deliver the best and long-lasting results so that when running retrospection on their projects, our clients would see the solutions and core implementation are still working. Our goal is to secure your company so that you can conduct the business on your own terms.

We offer various security services to cover all aspects of security and therefore enhance the overall security posture of our clients:

  • Cyber Security Strategy & Organization
  • Cybersecurity Assessment
  • Cybersecurity Implementation Coordination
  • Cybersecurity Architecture Advisory
  • OT Network Architecture
  • Privileged Access Management
  • Public Key Infrastructure

The empowerment of our team to behave and become a "trusted advisor’’ is driven by our main values:

Thruthful - Above all else, BxC advocates for advice that is enlightened and composed of truths that will lead our clients to an optimal solution.Accessible - The process undertaken by BxC is open to all companiesand organizations with the will to improve the cybersecurity of their production chain. BxC’s members interact with all layers of the organization, from local engineers to the C-Suit on eye level.

Resolute - Committed to its work, BxC considers that a well-executed consulting mission is one that is founded on standards that consultants and clients impose on themselves in terms of involvement.

Proactive -BxC fosters a “maker” spirit, developing new solutions or inventing new methods. Our DNA of «Thinking-partners» makes us permanently think and look for new ideas that will benefit our internal organization or our clients.

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  • Startups@it-sa
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Public Key Infrastructure | Privileged Access Management | OT Network Architecture | Cyber Security Strategy & Organisation | Cyber Security Assessment & Implementation Coordination | Cyber Security Architecture Advisory


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