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Box Zones


Document management Data protection, data security Archiving / Long-term storage Compliance / GRC (products and services) Storage solutions

Product Description

With Box Zones, we pair our seamless end user experience with an unmatched level of frictionless security, enhanced visibility, and meticulous control for data protection. Zones lets you store your data (at rest) in a specific region or even country, helping you meet data residency obligations.

With our Admin Console, admins have complete visibility and control over the storage Zones for an entire enterprise. At the same time, end users are never impacted – they can seamlessly collaborate across Zones, while their content remains stored in the designated region.

To deliver in-region content storage with high reliability and performance, Box partners with a network of leading cloud storage providers with data centers around the world.

Key features:

  • Localized data storage: Store your critical business content exclusively within designated regions
  • Compliance made easy: Ensure adherence to local regulations including GDPR by keeping sensitive data under jurisdiction
  • Enhanced security measures: Benefit from advanced encryption protocols and comprehensive access controls tailored specifically for information security leaders
  • Seamless collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly across teams both internally and externally without sacrificing confidentiality or efficiency
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