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Box KeySafe


Document management Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Content security Storage solutions

Key Facts

  • All key usage is unchangeable and includes a detailed record of key usage
  • Box KeySafe supports AWS KMS Custom Key Store and GCP Cloud HSM KMS to provide the control and protection of a dedicated hardware security module (HSM), without requiring you to manage any hardware
  • You are the legal custodian of your keys that encrypt, decrypt, and re-encrypt data

Product Description

Box KeySafe enables organizations to maintain full control over the encryption keys that protect their content.

Box KeySafe builds on Box’s strong encryption and security capabilities to provide:

  • Complete, independent control over your encryption keys
  • No impact to user experience
  • Unchangeable audit log of key usage
  • Ability to cut off access to content immediately
  • Physical and legal separation between encryption keys and content
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