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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-402

Blancco Management Platform

Logo Blancco

by Blancco

Key Facts

  • Our solutions erase to more than 25 standards, from the historic DoD to NIST, and the latest specifications from IEEE 2883.
  • Blancco’s portfolio of products help organisations reduce reliance on physical destruction, produce less e-waste, lower consumption of new materials, and shrink their carbon footprint – all with clear reporting on the sustainable impact they can use in the boardroom and the market.

Product Description

Through our certified data erasure process, organizations now have a secure method to erase data on storage devices – regardless of underlying technology – in a cost-effective, secure and eco-friendly manner. Ensure your sensitive data has been sanitized from servers, laptops, desktops and drives with the most certified disk erasure software solution on the market. Each erasure procedure is verified and certified, resulting in a signed, tamper-proof Certificate of Erasure to prove compliance with local, national and global data protection regulations.
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