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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-402

Blancco File Eraser

Logo Blancco

by Blancco

Product Description

Blancco File Eraser goes beyond today’s regular file shredding software to guarantee your files are eliminated with a certified report that achieves true data sanitization requirements. With this report, your organization can prove adherence to algorithm standards specified by 17+ global erasure standards to meet security and regulatory compliance requirements. With Blancco File Eraser, organizations can securely erase sensitive files, folders and free disk space from PC desktop computers, laptops and servers – either manually or automatically. While typical file shredding or wiping software may delete some data, Blancco File Eraser securely erases files and folders to comply with the most stringent requirements to ensure that any sensitive data has been securely and permanently removed, certified by the most regulatory bodies—including Common Criteria—and verified with a 100% tamper-proof report.
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