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Make an appointment with

So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

Create an onsite appointment with

So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.





Key Facts

  • No installation on clients or the target systems
  • Security management at the highest level through ZTNA
  • One central point of administration, security, authorization

Product Description

Secure Remote Access solution with no client installation provides secure remote access to applications, desktops, and servers from any device with a browser. All via HTML5 technology. Ideal also for remote office / remote work and home office. SparkView offers an incredible amount of possibilities and is so simple to use. You can interact with other companies and networks, for example, during presentations and webinars. It's possible to invite people to a session and share the screen. You decide how much influence each participant can have. A single point of management and authorization, SSL or TLS encrypted tunnels plus optional integration of multi-factor authentication solutions take the security of this remote access solution to a new level. Your business is protected from outside intrusions. Other benefits: No installation is required on endpoints and no administrator privileges are needed. SparkView can be easily implemented into your existing security environment. Quick start guides already exist for some vendors such as Fortinet, PulseSecure, F5, Ivanti, Securepoint, Fudo, pfSense and Sophos, with more to come. Thanks to our fast and straightforward configurations, you can integrate SparkView with maximum compatibility.
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