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FileCloud - hyper-secure content collaboration



Key Facts

  • Enterprise File Storage and Collaboration
  • Unparalleled Security and Compliance
  • Full control over your data - anytime

Product Description

FileCloud is an enterprise fileshare solution designed for businesses, schools, universities, IT VARs and MSPs. It combines its core competencies of data sharing and synchronization with high usability, flexibility and productivity enhancing features like workflow automation. With FileCloud you have complete control over your data and can easily connect internal network drives because FileCloud runs within its own infrastructure. It is the easiest way to implement file sharing, synchronization and mobile access for your existing file stores. From any device, FileCloud provides secure access to corporate data and users get complete control, privacy and security - even for critical data. FileCloud offers comprehensive data protection and can be hosted on-premises for file sharing and synchronization. Data paths and storage locations are encrypted according to the latest standards. One of the most important benefits for many companies is the avoidance of data redundancy through the mapping of internal drives. The solution also enables compliance with various regulatory requirements such as DSGVO, ITAR, HIPAA, etc. via a handy compliance dashboard.
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