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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-602




Product Expert



Open source (software and services) Cryptography Electronic signatures Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Email security

Key Facts

  • Secure e-mail encryption in Outlook: gpg4o is an add-in for simple yet secure email encryption in Microsoft Outlook. The smart end-to-end encryption system is easy to install and simple to use. gpg4o is based on the gpg4o is based on the OpenPGP standard with millions of users worldwide and is compatible with many encryption programs.
  • Why e-mail encryption? Whether at work or in our private lives - we exchange data by e-mail every day. In doing so, we are pleased that electronic messages can be sent so conveniently, quickly and inexpensively. But technically speaking, e-mails are nothing more than virtual postcards that can be intercepted, read and manipulated by anyone on their way from the sender to the recipient.
  • How does gpg4o work? gpg4o uses an asymmetric encryption method for encryption. This system uses key pairs that consist of a private, meaning secret key and a public key. The recipient‘s public key is used to encrypt the e-mail. This can then only be decrypted again with the recipient‘s private key.

Product Description

E-mail encryption made easyThe loss of sensitive project, personnel and financial data cannot only damage a company‘s image, but may also result in afinancial loss or even destroy a competitive advantage. And privateinformation can also be of interest to third parties and misused.To ensure that this data is not unintentionally lost during transmissionto desired communication partners, gpg4o offers the simple,user-friendly and yet secure solution for encrypting your e-mails- seamlessly integrated into the Microsoft Outlook user interface.E-mail encryption made easy• Encrypt and sign e-mails easily• Sign attachments as well as encyrpt and decrypt them• Support for distribution lists and Exchange groups• Individually configurable sending rules (e.g. „Always encrypt to...“)

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