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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-602




Product Expert



BSI IT baseline protection

Key Facts

  • Teamwork: Thanks to multi-user capabilities, team members are able to create content and deliverables in parallel in the same file and are guided through the process in a structured manner. By tagging and assigning pending and processed task, team dashboards, notifications as well as chats and comments, you can easily and efficiently share information within your team – even across sites.
  • Digitization: In a structured environment, all relevant information is gathered and dynamically linked with each other. The knowledgebase also generates cross-project synergies and enables you to use the generated know-how throughout the organization. The creation of a knowledge platform as well as structured templates facilitate the efficient & secure performance of documentation processes.
  • Compliance: The approval of your product by the Notified Body will be determined by its conformity with the applicable directives, norms and standards. The software solution generates a comprehensive and compliant Technical Documentation based on your data and guides your team efficiently through all the necessary processes – even for inexperienced colleagues.

Product Description

Your Way to Technical Documentation –comprehensive, innovative, individual and global

While regulatory requirements are constantly increasing, the world of work is becoming more and more volatile. Subjects such as collaboration, expanding teams, and cross-site work set-ups have become more and more part of the daily business of Medical Device Manufacturers.This is exactly why BAYOOSOFT Themis is redesigning the way of Technical Documentation – holistically, innovatively, individually and globally.

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