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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-602

BAYOOSOFT Access Manager Password Reset



Product Expert



Biometrics Authentication

Key Facts

  • Self Service: With the Self Service Portal, processes such as password reset are placed in the hands of the user. The browser-based interface is intuitively designed and easy to use: Whether password change, change of AD account information or password reset - adapt the software solution easily and securely to your infrastructure while process runtimes are significantly reduced.
  • Security & Compliance: Numerous authentication methods allow the system to be deployed quickly and easily - often without having to deposit data beforehand: • User-ID and password from third-party systems • Colleague check by „four-eyesprinciple“ • TOTP - Time-Based One-Time Password • Question/Answer pair • Smartcard/Token • Face recognigtion with BioID® • KeyTrac® typing biometrics
  • Single Point of Reset: By connecting to a variety of target systems, the Self Service Portal for Password Reset can be ideally adapted to the individual IT infrastructure: • Microsoft AD / Azure / 365 • LDAP • SAP • Unix / Linux • IBM z/OS • Hospital Information Systems • many more

Product Description

With the Password Reset module, a self-service reset tool, employees can reset forgotten passwords themselves without contacting the service desk – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The module is easy to use and has an extremely high user acceptance. This allows you to make your password management processes efficient and cost-optimized.

The Password Reset is characterized by a very flexible configurability. Users can choose between different authentication methods, which can be combined to comply with the security policy of the target system. In practice, this means that, for example, a simple authentication is sufficient for the password for intranet applications, but a 2-factor authentication is used when resetting the password for an SAP HR system.

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