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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-602

BAYOOSOFT Access Manager



Product Expert



Managed security services BSI IT baseline protection Identity and access management User (rights) management Data protection, data security Content security

Key Facts

  • Self Service: Access Manager’s self-service portal puts authorization management in the hands of its users. The browser-based interface is intuitively designed and easy to use: Whether time limits, profiles or the assignment of data owners, you can easily and securely adapt the design of your authorization management to your infrastructure.
  • Automation: The Access Manager works fully automated, around the clock. Manual interventions are a thing of the past and IT is massively relieved. The system continuously checks the authorization structures and automatically corrects the technical environment. Of course, everything is documented in an audit-proof manner.
  • Monitoring: When we say everything is documented, we mean it. Refer to our data- and user-centric evaluations, benefit from the transparent representation of the authorization situation that even technical laymen can use, or track all actions in the audit trail.

Product Description

Your solution around file servers, SharePoint, Active Directory and third-party systems – from standardizing user and access management to supporting the supply of IT services: Optimize entire process chains with BAYOOSOFT Access Manager and sustainably reduce operational efforts while increasing information security.

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