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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-242

baramundi Management Suite




License management Backup solutions Vulnerability and patch management Interface protection / Device management Mobile device managment

Key Facts

  • Management of all endpoints in your company
  • Security of your endpoints
  • Automation of routine tasks

Product Description

baramundi software AG enables companies and organizations to manage workstation environments efficiently, securely and across platforms. Following a holistic, future-oriented unified endpoint management approach, the baramundi Management Suite includes: client management, mobile device management and endpoint security via a common interface, in a single database and according to uniform standards. By automating routine tasks and providing a comprehensive overview of the status of the network and clients, the baramundi Management Suite optimizes IT management processes. It relieves the burden on IT administrators and ensures that users have access to the required rights and applications on all platforms and form factors - on PCs, servers, notebooks or mobile devices - anytime and anywhere.
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