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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-224

Axidian Access

Logo Axidian

by Axidian


Remote access (VPN) Identity and access management Access protection Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • Authentication management of different resources
  • Many strong authentication methods
  • Mobile application for 2FA

Product Description

CENTRALIZED CONTROL AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT 1. An integrated authentication system for all corporate resources, information systems, and business services 2. Single Sign-On option 3. An integrated event log where each connection is personalized 4. A range of scenarios and combinations for employee authentication 5. Access control policies: user, application, protocol, or group level STRONG AND MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION 1. Various authentication technologies supported: biometrics, hardware authenticators, and one-time passwords 2. Different authenticator combinations depending on the choice of authentication scenarios and methods 3. Authenticator management: assign, revoke, or disable 4. Self-service solutions for managing personal authenticators 5. Password storage and automatic change to prevent unauthorized access bypassing strong authentication INTEGRATION MECHANISMS 1. All types of corporate web applications supported with the Single Sign-On technology 2. Supported target resources: IIS, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft RDS 3. Supported authentication protocols: AD/LDAP, RADIUS, SAML, ADFS, OpenID Connect 4. Integration with Identity Management systems 5. API for integration with other systems 6. Integration with SIEM via syslog
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