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Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-307

avodaq AG

About us


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We offer

  • Threat analysis
  • Computer emergency response team (CERT)
  • High availability
  • Cryptography
  • Artificial intelligence
Landsberger Straße 290
80687 München

About us

avodaq is a leading IT services company. We see ourselves as a Digital Business Partner because we deliver state-of-the-art IT infrastructure solutions and combine them with innovative software development. In this way, we create the basic prerequisites and concrete solutions so that our customers can rethink and digitise business processes. avodaq provides answers to questions in the areas of networks, data centres, new work, security, digital healthcare, automatization, the internet and the cloud.

With around 300 highly qualified employees, avodaq generated more than EUR 80 million in revenue in 2022. As an internationally operating company, we have locations in Germany as well as in the UK, Asia and the USA and manage projects all over the world.

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