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Unified SASE as a Service

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Managed security services Remote access (VPN) Bandwidth management Network security

Key Facts

  • Unified SASE provides all configuration options in one single pane for the best control and visbility. Checkout:
  • Gartners Peer insight of customers using SDWAN solution, Aryaka is the only vendor that was chosen as the No. 1 BEST Zero Trust WAN provider across NA, EMEA and APAC for three years in consecutive.
  • What is really clever, is that Aryaka owns our POPs, we own our ANAPs, we manufacture our own boxes. Therefore, Aryaka provides an true SLA of 99.999% since Aryaka is the only unified SASE vendor that owns it's global network infrastructure.

Product Description

Aryaka Unified SASE as a Service provides performance, agility, simplicity, and security without trade-offs by converging Wide Area Networking, Security, Observability, and Multi-Cloud, SaaS, AI workloads, GenAI and Application Performance into a single platform delivered as a service.

This platform operates on our global layer 2 backbone, featuring Points-of-Presence (PoPs) strategically located across all six inhabited continents. These PoPs are designed to provide end-users with optimal access to Cloud, SaaS applications, and data centers.

Aryaka's PoPs stand out from the standard routing and switching transport PoPs offered by many providers. Our PoPs not only perform these essential functions but also integrate compute and storage for advanced services. Unlike the virtual PoPs of other SASE vendors, Aryaka’s PoPs combine both hardware and software, with the same software running on our custom-developed ANAP (Aryaka Network Access Point) edge appliances.

With Aryaka, enterprises can meet the growing demand for bandwidth and speed for their in-house applications, seamlessly transition to the cloud, and secure their operations—all without compromising application performance.

More info? Visit us on, our booth or checkout how we helped Lisa & Ram:

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