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SAP Security Services for your business

Key Facts

  • Comprehensive protection of the SAP system
  • Automatic detection and response, provided by Arvato SOC
  • Leveraging the expertise of Security & SAP Teams

Product Description

When asked about an indispensable software solution, the answers are likely to be very similar in many medium-sized and large companies: SAP. No wonder, the system has been part of the indispensable basic IT equipment for many companies for decades. As an omnipresent backbone, it is absolutely essential in many places for smooth business operations and, in particular, trouble-free production. That's why decision-makers don't even want to imagine what would happen if SAP were to fail in the event of a hacker attack such as a ransomware or DDoS attack. The consequences can be very diverse and have serious consequences - up to and including a complete failure of the operational technology (OT). Arvato Systems offers you advice on a security concept and managed services to effectively protect your SAP environment.
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